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ClieNFarms - Farm Survey


Dear farmers,


We are interested in better understanding the drivers and barriers that influence your decision-making with regard to the choice of agricultural practices that are potentially more climate-friendly. We are interested by your opinion regardless of whether you already adopted the practices or not. Your experiences, opinions, preferences and knowledge of your farming systems are central to understanding this. All opinions are welcome, including scepticism regarding the topic and practices. 

Completing the questionnaire takes about 15-20 minutes. If you are interested, we will send you an overall summary of the survey results in due course.

Your data and information will of course be kept strictly confidential and will be used anonymously for scientific purposes only. Please note that your participation is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw your participation at any time.


We thank you very much for your participation!


Sylvain Quiédeville and Charles Rees

Workpackage task lead – ClieNFarms Project




Before starting the survey, please answer the following question to enable us to use the information you provide for scientific purposes. By ticking this box you confirm your consent and you are stating that:

  1. I hereby certify that I am familiar with the information about the research project ClieNFarms given above and have been given answers to my questions.
  2. I have had enough time to consider my involvement in this survey and am aware that my participation is entirely voluntary.
  3. I note that I may withdraw my consent(s) at any time by contacting the manager of the project named above.

What are my rights during participation?

Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may cancel your participation at any time without specifying reasons and without any disadvantages or consequences. 

Which data are collected?

Data on your experience, preferences and personal attitudes towards agricultural practices, farm information and future perceptions of your farm/agricultural practices will be collected. We will also use postcodes to access weather data.

How is my data treated?

The data will be processed and stored confidentially on the secure servers of FiBL, in Switzerland, the lead organisation running this survey. No conclusions can be drawn about individual participants and responses made by the participants in the survey cannot be attributed back to anyone. Only people involved in the project can access the original data. The data is completely anonymized before it is archived and made accessible for research purposes.

What are my rights to the data?

You may request comprehensive information about the personal data that were collected from you in the study at any time. You also have the right to have them corrected, handed over to you, barred for processing, or deleted. You may revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time without giving reasons. Your contact person for related requests is given below.

For more information or questions on how your data will be used, please send your questions to:

For more information on the project and the aims of this survey, please visit the ClieNFarms website here: Homepage - ClieNFarms